Rectifier recently used a large number of diode converters, which convert power frequency power to DC power. It is also possible to use two sets of transistor converters to construct a reversible converter, which can be regenerated due to its reversible power direction.
The flat wave circuit contains a pulsating voltage at a frequency six times that of the power supply in the DC voltage after the rectifier is rectified, and the pulsating current generated by the inverter also causes the DC voltage to fluctuate. In order to suppress voltage fluctuations, inductors and capacitors are used to absorb the ripple voltage (current). When the capacity of the device is small, if the power supply and the main circuit configuration device have a margin, a simple flat wave circuit can be omitted from the inductor.
The inverter is the reverse of the rectifier. The inverter converts the DC power into the AC power of the required frequency. By turning the six switching devices on and off for a determined time, a three-phase AC output can be obtained. Take the voltage type pwm inverter as an example to illustrate the switching time and voltage waveforms.
The control circuit is the circuit that provides the control signal to the main circuit (voltage, frequency adjustable) of the asynchronous motor. It has the frequency and voltage "operation circuit", the main circuit "voltage and current detection circuit", the motor "speed detection "Circuit", a "driver circuit" that amplifies the control signal of the arithmetic circuit, and a "protection circuit" of the inverter and the motor.
(1) Operation circuit: Comparing the external speed and torque commands with the current and voltage signals of the detection circuit to determine the output voltage and frequency of the inverter.
(2) Voltage and current detection circuit: It is isolated from the main circuit potential to detect voltage and current.
(3) Drive circuit: A circuit that drives a main circuit device. It is isolated from the control circuit so that the main circuit device turns on and off.
(4) Speed ​​detection circuit: The signal of the speed detector (tg, plg, etc.) mounted on the asynchronous motor shaft machine is the speed signal, which is sent to the calculation circuit. According to the instruction and operation, the motor can be operated at the command speed.
(5) Protection circuit: Detect the voltage, current, etc. of the main circuit. When an abnormality such as overload or overvoltage occurs, in order to prevent the damage of the inverter and the asynchronous motor, the inverter stops working or suppresses the voltage and current values.
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